Long nights, frosty mornings and rainy evenings, it’s not hard to see why Winter can be so demotivating when it comes to exercise. We are all missing a bit of vitamin D in our lives and Christmas has certainly left its mark. So how can we combat motivation when all we want to do is hibernate until Spring?
We have a few tips to help get you started…
Prepare the night before
There is very little more frustrating than rising early in the morning and spending 15 minutes which you don’t have spare, hunting around for your sport socks. Make mornings as smooth as possible by preparing the night before. Start your day off right by putting out or packing whatever you need in advance.
Adjust your lighting
As humans we are affected by the seasons and in Winter we can suffer with vitamin D sufficiency which in turn affects our moods. Investing in a lamp which simulates natural daylight which will help start our day the right way.
Turn up the thermostat
No one wants to get out from under a warm duvet, but a warm room will certainly make it a little easier . Time your thermostat so that you are not getting ready in a cold room and the temperature change is not such a shock to the system. If you can conquer getting out of bed you are already halfway there…
Equip yourself
They say that you can train in almost any weather if you can equip yourself to do so, be that wind, rain or snow. So invest a little time and money in making sure you have the right equipment to make training as successful as possible no matter the weather or visibility.
Keep it simple
Eliminate the obstacles between you and your goals, for example if travelling becomes an excuse to not go to the gym, look for a gym closer or commit to a personal trainer which will hold you accountable for your actions. Find ways to make the excuses less feasible.
Set yourself mini goals
If Rome was not built in a day, you can be sure that reaching your goal will not be something which happens overnight. So set yourself mini goals which in turn create mini victories along the way in achieving the bigger picture.
Mix it up
It’s not uncommon to get bored occasionally with the exercise you do on a regular basis, so make sure you mix it up! Change the intensity, add classes, start learning something new, and make sure you give yourself time to recover properly.
Log your progress
Sometimes it’s nice to exercise for the sake of moving and enjoying the process, but if you are working towards a goal it is important to log your progress. If not it makes it a lot harder to see whether you are remaining on track, you can also feel proud on the days you really excel, marking a point in which to work towards on your next session.
Thanks for reading
PT Workspace
P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training or studio hire at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us here.
There is a tide of change coming in the fitness industry, can you feel it? Even though there are more faddy diets, weight loss pills and magic weight loss drinks than ever before, the backlash from qualified professionals who are tied of misleading products is mounting. It sends home a message loud and clear, enough is enough! The responsibility health and fitness professionals have to their clients and listeners before endorsing a product is of great importance. No matter the grind, the world is looking at what way your moral compass is turning and even with the best intentions, be hopeful it is facing the right way.
The boom of instagram has given a platform for personal trainers to have a voice, share their lifestyles and inspire, but with it comes the pressure to represent your own authenticity as a fitness professional. Maybe there was a time when those of us who knew better would turn a blind eye to the continuous onslaught of diet fads because the battle way just too great to rage on one’s own, brush it under the carpet as ‘Another one’ to join the army of weight loss products promising unrealistic sustained weight loss (for the majority). But when the audience at which these diet products are aim at start fighting back, it will only be a matter of time before the truth is out, and no amount of photoshopped before and after pictures will save the product from its inevitable demise.
There is no short cuts for long term success in creating a sustainable healthy lifestyle, that much is true. So it’s the job of all health and fitness professionals to help clear fog and raise the industry to higher standards for the benefit of all.
Keep It Real…
Thanks for Reading
PT Workspace Team
P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training your client at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the independent personal trainers who already work and market themselves with us https://www.ptworkspace.co.uk/trainers/.
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Beat The January Blues…Personal Training Islington
The highs of the festive season never prepare you for the come down in January off all the food and drink consumed in December. Feeling heavy and a little fed up? We know the feeling! It’s time to address the heavy Winter diet, by shaking up the body with some much needed exercise to get the adrenaline pumping, and those feel good endorphins working on beating the January blues.
Thankfully we work alongside a talented team of experienced personal trainers, whose job it is to make us look great and feel amazing. So if you are not sure where to start this month, start with a trainer which can put you on the right track in your fitness journey.