Democratising the Personal Training industry
We uphold top-notch standards in our studios, meticulously designed with cutting-edge equipment. Our commitment to professionalism creates an inviting space, enhancing experiences for trainers and clients. Dedicated to trainer success, we aspire to be the preferred hub for fitness professionals, fostering growth and excellence in a supportive community. Join us on the path to fitness industry excellence!
Shaping Business for performance
At PT Workspace, we're on a mission to provide a dynamic environment where personal trainers thrive and achieve business success. Our fully equipped studios empower trainers to deliver exceptional client experiences. We believe in fostering a supportive community, enabling trainers to reach their full potential, learn, grow, and elevate their expertise. Join us in creating a space where success is inevitable.
Trust, Collaboration & Innovation
In a changing fitness industry marked by skyrocketing costs, PT Workspace aims to restore trust and support for personal trainers. Founder Nathan Drury-Ellis believes trainers deserve better, and our mission is to provide the necessary support for them and their clients. We've eliminated fixed monthly overheads, offering a flexible space rental system aligned with the dynamic nature of their businesses. Through our user-friendly platform, we provide consistent rewards and first-time offers to ease financial burdens. PT Workspace leads the way in ushering a new era of positive change, creating an environment where trust is rebuilt, and both trainers and clients can thrive in their pursuit of health and fitness.