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10 Mar

Personal Trainers: In-Person vs. Online – Which is Right for You?

In today’s fitness landscape, the options for personal training are more diverse than ever. With the rise of online platforms and virtual coaching, many individuals are reaping the benefits of remote guidance and digital workouts. However, amidst this digital revolution, the traditional approach of in-person personal training still holds its ground, offering unique advantages that online training simply can’t match.

personal trainer Highbury Islington

Benefits of In-Person Training

In-person training provides the invaluable benefit of physical interaction between the trainer and the trainee. This direct contact allows for real-time adjustments to form and technique, ensuring optimal performance and injury prevention.

Benefits of Online Training

Online training offers unparalleled convenience, allowing individuals to access personalized workouts and guidance anytime, anywhere. With flexible scheduling and the freedom to train at one’s own pace, online platforms democratize fitness.

Drawbacks of In-Person Training

Despite its benefits, in-person training may pose challenges such as scheduling conflicts and location dependence. Coordinating sessions around busy lifestyles or commuting to the gym can be cumbersome for some individuals.

Drawbacks of Online Training

While online training offers convenience, it may lack real-time feedback and personalized adjustments. Additionally, technology barriers such as internet connectivity or access to equipment can hinder the training experience.

Factors to Consider

When deciding between in-person and online training, several factors come into play. Consider your fitness goals, preferred learning style, and budget constraints to determine the most suitable option for your needs.

Choosing the Right Option

Ultimately, the decision boils down to personal preferences and the level of professional guidance required. Some individuals thrive in the dynamic environment of in-person training, while others appreciate the flexibility and autonomy offered by online platforms.

While online training offers convenience and flexibility, in-person personal training remains a powerful option for those seeking a more personalized, hands-on approach to fitness. Whether you thrive in a gym environment or prefer the guidance of a trainer by your side, the choice between in-person and online training ultimately depends on your individual preferences, goals, and needs.


In Person personal training Islington, Milton Keynes and Harrow

Why in-person personal training stands out from its online counterpart

Here are 6 compelling reasons why in-person personal training stands out from its online counterpart:

1. Personalized Experience

In-person training offers a tailored and personalized experience that goes beyond what online platforms can provide. Trainers have the ability to observe clients’ form, technique, and progress firsthand, allowing for immediate feedback and adjustments based on individual needs.

2. Hands-On Instruction

With in-person training, clients benefit from hands-on instruction and guidance, ensuring proper form and technique. Trainers can physically demonstrate exercises and provide tactile cues, enhancing the overall learning experience.

3. Real-Time Adaptability

In-person trainers can adapt workouts in real-time, taking into account clients’ feedback, energy levels, and performance. This flexibility ensures that each session is optimized for maximum results and client satisfaction.

4. Motivation and Accountability

The physical presence of a trainer during in-person sessions provides an extra layer of motivation and accountability. Clients are more likely to push themselves and stay committed to their fitness goals when working face-to-face with a trainer.

5. Building Relationships and Trust

In-person training fosters deeper connections and trust between trainers and clients. Face-to-face interactions allow for meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and emotional support, creating a strong bond that enhances the training experience.

6. Physical Environment and Resources

In-person training takes place in a physical environment, such as a gym or studio, providing access to a wide range of equipment and resources. Trainers can leverage this environment to create diverse and dynamic workouts tailored to clients’ goals and preferences.

In-person personal training is the way to go if you want real results. Why? First of all, you get that hands-on guidance and motivation that’s hard to replicate online. Plus, your personal trainer can tailor the workouts to your specific needs and push you to your limits. And let’s not forget the accountability factor – having someone physically there with you makes it much harder to slack off. So, ditch the virtual workouts and get yourself a kick-ass personal trainer!

Additional Top 5 Blogs of Note:

In-Person vs Online Personal Training: An Honest Comparison (

Online vs In-Person Personal Training: Which is Better? (

Online Personal Training: Guide to Maximise Your Fitness Journey (

In-Person vs. Online Training: What Does the Research Say? – Continu

Online Personal Training Vs In Person | Personal Trainer Authority


Nathan Head Trainer & Founder

P.S If you are interested in finding out about Fitness, why not take a look at the personal trainers who already work with us.

Our Locations 🏠

🏠 PT Workspace Islington: 87-89 Shepperton Rd, London N1 3DF


Personal Training in Islington – PT WorkSpace

🏠 PT Workspace Milton Keynes Personal Training Studio: Unit 5, Campbell Wharf, Overgate, Milton Keynes MK9 4BG.


Personal Training Milton Keynes – PT WorkSpace

🏠 PT Workspace Harrow Personal Training Studio: Roxeth House, Shaftesbury Ave, South Harrow, Harrow HA2 0PZ


Personal Training Harrow – PT WorkSpace


12 Feb

What is the role of a personal trainer?

In today’s world, fitness has become an integral part of our lives, with more and more people aspiring to lead healthy, active lifestyles. However, embarking on a fitness journey can be daunting and overwhelming, especially if you’re unsure where to start or lack the necessary guidance. This is where a personal trainer comes in. A personal trainer is a certified fitness professional who plays a crucial role in helping individuals achieve their fitness goals by providing expert guidance, customized workout plans, motivation, and accountability. In this article, we will dive deeper into the role of a personal trainer and how they can transform your fitness journey and how to achieve your health goals faster.

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer

One of the greatest benefits of hiring a personal trainer is the ability to receive customized workout plans that are tailored to your specific needs and goals. A personal trainer will assess your current fitness level, discuss your objectives, and design a plan that addresses your strengths, weaknesses, and any specific considerations. This personalized approach ensures that you’re engaging in exercises that are safe, effective, and aligned with your goals.

Additionally, personal trainers provide invaluable guidance on form and technique. They will teach you the proper way to perform each exercise, ensuring that you maintain the correct posture and alignment. This not only helps to prevent injuries but also allows you to maximize the effectiveness of each workout.


Goal Setting and Accountability

Setting goals is crucial for success in any fitness journey, and personal trainers excel in this domain. They work closely with clients to establish clear, realistic goals that are challenging yet achievable. Whether your aim is to lose weight, gain muscle, improve flexibility, or enhance overall fitness, your personal trainer will provide the guidance needed to set the right goals.

Moreover, personal trainers serve as a constant source of motivation and accountability. They keep track of your progress, provide constructive feedback, and cheer you on every step of the way. Regular check-ins and progress tracking ensure that you stay committed and focused on your goals.


Personal trainer Islington with beginner

Education and Instruction

While personal trainers are experts in fitness, their role extends beyond just guiding you through workouts. They also educate and instruct you on various exercise techniques, explaining the science behind them and the specific muscle groups they target. This knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your workouts and understand how each exercise contributes to your overall fitness goals.

Furthermore, personal trainers provide guidance on nutrition, recovery, and lifestyle choices that complement your fitness journey. They can help you develop healthier eating habits, optimize your recovery strategies, and provide advice on managing stress or incorporating physical activity into your daily routine. This holistic approach ensures that you’re equipped with the knowledge and tools to make sustainable lifestyle changes.


PT Workspace fitness tests Personal Training

Personalized Support and Adaptation

No two individuals are the same, and personal trainers understand this better than anyone. They adapt workout plans based on individual progress, preferences, and changing circumstances. Whether you have an injury, prefer certain types of exercises, or require modified workouts due to time constraints, your personal trainer will create a plan that suits your unique needs.

In addition, personal trainers troubleshoot challenges and provide alternatives when necessary. If you struggle with a specific exercise or find it uncomfortable, they will modify it or offer alternative options that are equally beneficial. This personalized support ensures that you remain engaged and motivated throughout your fitness journey.

Motivation and Confidence Building

Motivation often wanes when faced with plateaus or setbacks in a fitness journey. What sets personal trainers apart is their ability to consistently encourage and motivate their clients. They understand the importance of positive reinforcement and celebrate even the smallest victories. This unwavering support keeps you motivated during challenging times and helps you develop the mental resilience needed to overcome obstacles.

Moreover, personal trainers play a crucial role in building your confidence. They push you beyond your comfort zone, helping you realize your true potential. As you see progress and achieve milestones, your self-belief grows, empowering you to conquer new challenges and push your limits.

Can I Get in Shape in 3 Months?

One common question that arises when starting a fitness journey is whether it’s possible to get in shape within a specific timeframe, such as three months. While the answer depends on various factors such as your starting point, fitness level, and dedication, a personal trainer can optimize your progress within the given timeframe.

By working closely with a personal trainer, you’ll receive a focused, efficient workout plan that targets your goals. Additionally, they will provide expert advice on nutrition, recovery strategies, and lifestyle adjustments that can accelerate your progress. However, it’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that fitness is a continuous journey rather than a quick fix. Consistency and commitment to long-term habits will ultimately lead to sustainable results.


Embarking on a fitness journey can be challenging, but with the right guidance and support, you can reach your goals and unlock your true fitness potential. Personal trainers serve as invaluable allies, providing personalized workout plans, motivation, accountability, education, and adaptability. Their expertise and dedication ensure that you’re on the right path to achieving optimum health and well-being. So, if you’re ready to take your fitness journey to the next level, consider hiring a personal trainer and allow them to unleash your true fitness potential.

Check out Emilas Experience with Personalised Fitness Training and what to expect..🧐


Personal trainer Islington with beginner

Nathan Head Trainer & Founder

P.S If you are interested in finding out about Fitness, why not take a look at the personal trainers who already work with us here.

Our Locations 🏠

🏠 PT Workspace Islington: 87-89 Shepperton Rd, London N1 3DF


Personal Training in Islington – PT WorkSpace

🏠 PT Workspace Milton Keynes Personal Training Studio: Unit 5, Campbell Wharf, Overgate, Milton Keynes MK9 4BG.


Personal Training Milton Keynes – PT WorkSpace

🏠 PT Workspace Harrow Personal Training Studio: Roxeth House, Shaftesbury Ave, South Harrow, Harrow HA2 0PZ


Personal Training Harrow – PT WorkSpace

12 Feb

How Often Should You See a Personal Trainer?

Consistency is a crucial factor in achieving fitness goals with the help of a personal trainer. Regular sessions with a trainer ensure that you stay accountable and motivated to work towards your desired results. By consistently showing up for your scheduled sessions, you establish a routine that helps to build healthy habits and maintain progress over time.

Moreover, consistency allows the personal trainer to track your progress accurately. They can monitor your performance, make necessary adjustments to your training program, and provide timely guidance to ensure you are on the right track. Without regular sessions, it becomes challenging for the trainer to assess your progress and make informed decisions to optimize your training routine.

In summary, consistency in personal training is vital as it helps you stay committed, establish healthy habits, and allows the trainer to monitor your progress effectively.


Factors to Consider for Frequency of Personal Training

Several factors should be taken into consideration when determining the frequency of personal training sessions. These factors include your fitness goals, current fitness level, time ava

When deciding how often you should have personal training sessions, there are a few things to consider. Your goals, current fitness level, schedule, budget, and what you prefer all play a role in determining the frequency. Think about what works best for you in terms of achieving those goals and fitting it into your lifestyle.

ilability, budget, and personal preferences.

If you have specific goals such as weight loss, muscle gain, or improving athletic performance, you may require more frequent sessions with a personal trainer. Similarly, if you are a beginner or have certain health conditions, it is advisable to have more frequent sessions initially to learn proper form, technique, and build a solid foundation.

Time availability is another important factor to consider. If you have a busy schedule, you may need to adjust the frequency of your training sessions accordingly. It is essential to find a balance that allows you to dedicate enough time to training without compromising other important commitments.

Budget is also a consideration. Personal training sessions can be costly, so it is important to determine how many sessions you can afford on a regular basis. However, it is worth noting that investing in your health and fitness can have long-term benefits.

Lastly, personal preferences play a role in determining the frequency of sessions. Some individuals may prefer more frequent sessions for extra support and guidance, while others may prefer fewer sessions and more independent training.

Ultimately, it is best to consult with a personal trainer who can assess your individual needs and help determine the optimal frequency of sessions based on the factors mentioned.


Is Seeing a Personal Trainer Once a Week Enough?

The answer to this question depends on various factors, including your fitness goals, current fitness level, commitment, and lifestyle. While working with a personal trainer once a week can definitely be beneficial, it may not be sufficient for everyone.

Frequency Recommendations:

Beginners: If you are new to exercise or have never worked with a personal trainer before, it is generally recommended to start with two to three sessions per week. This frequency ensures that you receive proper instruction on form, technique, and exercise programming. Moreover, consistent guidance at the beginning helps you build a solid foundation for your fitness journey.

Intermediate/Advanced: If you have been training for a while and are familiar with exercise techniques, one session per week can be a good maintenance option. However, if you have specific goals like strength gain, fat loss, or sports performance, you may benefit from two to four sessions per week, depending on the intensity and complexity of your goals.

Determining Duration:
The duration of personal training sessions can also vary. While the average session typically lasts between 45 minutes to one hour, it can range anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on your preferences, goals, and budget. Longer durations may be required for athletes or individuals with specific training needs, while shorter sessions can be effective if time is a constraint.

Additional Considerations:

Budget: One major aspect to consider when determining the frequency and duration of personal training sessions is your budget. Personal training can be expensive, and you must strike a balance between the sessions you can afford and your fitness goals.

Accountability Outside Sessions: Remember that the time spent with a personal trainer is not the only factor in achieving your fitness goals. Your trainer can guide you during sessions, but consistency and effort outside the sessions play a vital role as well. Sticking to a workout routine and maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout the week will greatly enhance your progress.


How Many Times a Week Should You See a Personal Trainer?

The number of times you should see a personal trainer per week depends on your goals, fitness level, and availability. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are some general guidelines to consider.

For beginners or individuals with specific goals, it is often recommended to have 2-3 sessions per week. This allows for consistent guidance, proper form correction, and gradual progression. Increasing the frequency of sessions can help accelerate progress and ensure proper technique.

Intermediate to advanced individuals who have already established a solid foundation and are looking to maintain or further enhance their fitness level may benefit from 1-2 sessions per week. These sessions can focus on advanced training techniques, specific areas of improvement, or periodization.

Ultimately, the number of sessions per week should be based on individual goals, progress, and availability. It is important to find a balance that allows for optimal training and recovery.


Personal trainer Islington with beginner

How Long Should You Continue Seeing a Personal Trainer?

The duration of seeing a personal trainer varies depending on individual goals, progress, and preferences. While some individuals may benefit from long-term guidance, others may reach their goals and feel confident enough to continue training independently.

For beginners or individuals with specific goals, it is generally recommended to continue seeing a personal trainer until a solid foundation is established and proper form and technique are mastered. This can take several months or even longer depending on individual progress.

Once a solid foundation is established, individuals may choose to continue seeing a personal trainer on a less frequent basis for guidance, motivation, and periodic program updates. This can help ensure continued progress and prevent plateauing.

However, some individuals may feel comfortable transitioning to independent training after achieving their goals or gaining sufficient knowledge and confidence in their training routine. It is important to listen to your body, assess your progress, and make decisions based on individual needs and preferences.

Ultimately, the duration of seeing a personal trainer should be based on individual goals, progress, and ongoing support needed to maintain or further enhance fitness.


Ultimately, the frequency and duration of personal training sessions depend on your individual needs, goals, commitment, and budget. While seeing a personal trainer once a week can be sufficient for maintenance or general guidance, beginners may need more frequent sessions to establish a solid foundation. Discussing your goals with a personal trainer will help determine the ideal frequency and duration tailored specifically to your needs, ultimately maximizing your results and progress.


personal trainer angel Islington, Milton Keynes and Harrow


Join the PT Workspace community to discover the local advantage of having a personal fitness trainer nearby. Consistency counts, and with our support, your fitness journey becomes a seamless and rewarding experience. Connect with us today to meet an exceptional personal trainer in your local area. Your path to fitness success starts right here, just around the corner.


Nathan Head Trainer & Founder

P.S If you are interested in finding out about Fitness, why not take a look at the personal trainers who already work with us here.

🏠 PT Workspace Islington: 87-89 Shepperton Rd, London N1 3DF

Personal Training in Islington – PT WorkSpace

🏠 PT Workspace Milton Keynes Personal Training Studio: Unit 5, Campbell Wharf, Overgate, Milton Keynes MK9 4BG.

Personal Training Milton Keynes – PT WorkSpace

🏠 PT Workspace Harrow Personal Training Studio: Roxeth House, Shaftesbury Ave, South Harrow, Harrow HA2 0PZ

Personal Training Harrow – PT WorkSpace


07 Aug

Marketing yourself as a personal trainer is a fundamental part of modern business, and if you’re hoping to create a successful brand then it’s never been more important. Establishing a strong website and social media presence helps create a digital footprint for potential clients to find you. So, what do you need to think about before hiring a studio and creating content?

Finding an affordable fitness space to rent

Finding space to hire in London has been a constant battle for personal trainers since what feels like the dawn of time, so when looking for a studio or gym to hire for filming the search can be challenging. First off you need to consider if the gym allows filming and second whether you will have to share the gym with the public. Private hire can be an investment so if there is anyone else you can work with to make the cost manageable it’s worth checking. Personal trainers have been known to hire a fitness space together and share the creative costs for photography.


Striking a deal with a gym that rents space regularly

If you are looking to create content regularly it is often worth asking if a special rate can be worked out for regular bookings. If you know you need to hire every month or twice a month, most businesses will be happy to have loyal customers. You may have to show some commitment first so bear that in mind if you are expecting discounts straight off the bat. Gyms that have a large public membership or are not used to hiring gym space will charge thousands to close facilities so searching out independent gyms that you can build relations with can save a lot of money.



What equipment is available in a Fitness space for filming?

Every gym and studio will vary in the equipment that is provided, so to make sure you have everything you need for your shoot, request an equipment list or virtual tour prior to booking. Any professional establishment will have a list ready for you. Particularly if fitness spaces are designed for rental, they should have a variety of functional equipment which should showcase the strongest exercises visually. We all love seeing compound big lifts, battle topes and kettlebells, this should be a minimum expectation.

Are there changing rooms?

Seems like an obvious question but it is often overlooked. If you are working with models, then you will need them alongside toilet facilities. If booking a space for filming, it would be important to have at least two changing rooms if the shoot consists of over 5/7 Models.


What’s the maximum capacity?

Sometimes shoots can be a one-man band other times it requires models, creatives, and support, so it’s always worth asking if there is a maximum capacity especially considering Covid-19 restrictions. Most Personal studios that are set up to allow renting for a full commercial filming crew would at least 1000 SQ ft. If a Fitness space for rental has less than 1000 SQft it is likely a small personal space often only able to support Personal trainers,


Timing is key

Planning for unforeseen eventualities when filming is a must. When working with people there will always be an element of uncertainty, so give yourself extra time to make allowances for the little things which could take you off guard and be time-consuming. Plan to always arrive 30mins prior most locations that hire fitness spaces out will allow setup time ahead of paid shoots, but this will often need to be confirmed.

Location and parking

When hiring a gym or personal training studio you need to make sure it is accessible for all involved in bringing together your project. Can the location be reached easily? Is there parking nearby or on the premises? Where is the nearest station? How long does it take to reach? All questions worth asking. A large percentage of Gyms and Fitness facilities will be located near tube stations but if you’re travelling with a large film crew it would be suitable to check private or street parking.



Phones have come a long way in the last 10 years especially cameras, so whether you’re using a 4k Redcam or your mobile phone, make sure you have your equipment in check, backup storage, chargers, batteries, lighting, microphones, which can all become a nightmare if left unchecked. Save yourself the headache and make a list of the essentials so that nothing gets left behind.

Be respectful

When you are finished take time to put equipment and things you have used back in the rightful place, respecting the facilities will help build a good working relationship overall which can only be a positive. Think of a relationship of an Air Bnb rental model, or being a guest at someone’s house. Most Gyms/Studio will supply Rental and Rules so a clear checklist will be available to compare against. Often giving a few extra mins can help secure a good first impression to the Facilities Manager.


For more information please contact [email protected] with studio hire in the subject line.


Thanks for reading

PT Workspace team

22 Jul

Summer is here! This month the kids start to break up from school and holidays are fast approaching on the horizon. Now more than ever there is an urge to escape the last 18 months and find some enjoyment in getting away. So with clients taking time off, cancellations, isolation and rearranging because of parental duties etc, how are you going to navigate the next couple of months as a PT? Summer for most trainers can be a quiet time, so how to best prepare for this?

Our advice would be to use this time wisely and hears how…


Marketing & Content

Clients want to see professionalism, which is why it’s so important to make sure your social media platforms represent this. Creating content is a great way to communicate and generate interest in your services. Spend some time planning what you think potential clients might want to engage with. Find some quiet time at your gym or studio and see if the studio manager will let you utilise this time to create content.

Google/ Facebook reviews are another great way to help potential clients buy into your services, kindly suggest to your current clientele to share their thoughts on your services when they have some free time. Most will understand how vital this can be for small businesses. 


Improving client Retention 

How can you improve the services you already offer? What extra could you provide which will go above and beyond your client’s expectations? Even if they are leaving for a holiday could you be supporting them? With so many resources available to use, it has never been so easy to connect and check in with your clients. Checking in can make all the difference for retention, if you show you care your clients will often show their loyalty.


Goal Setting 

We are halfway through the year and whilst goal setting generally takes place at the start, it’s important to check in with yourself to see where you are at. Is there anything you could have done better this year so far for example? Sometimes big goals can be overwhelming, could you break them down into smaller goals to help towards the bigger picture? Once you have achieved your goals, what’s next?


Be Proactive 

Success rarely falls at your feet and sustaining a successful business take time and nurturing. It’s been a tough year all around for business, so if you are not sure how to move forward consider a mentor or someone who can help offer advice having got the T-shirt.


Thanks for reading

PT Workspace Team

20 Mar

Studio Hire at PT Workspace

Since opening our doors in 2016 in the borough of Highbury & Islington, PT Workspace has gone from strength to strength and the fully equipped personal training studio has now many wonderful new additions like the recently renovated outside space. Our Facilities include but are not limited to, equipment such as weight racks, dumbbells, kettlebells, spin bike, battle ropes, punching bags, pull up bar, leg press, sledge, tyres (etc)

We understand more than most, how difficult it can be to find the right space in London. Which is why we are now offering studio hire opportunities for photographers, videographers and personal trainers alongside collaborative projects & events relevant to the fitness industry. Whether personal or commercial we welcome you to get creative in our personal training studio with hourly and day rates available.

Please request rates: [email protected] 

(Commercial rates may differ)

As we are a full-time personal training studio, we do have personal trainers and their clients to consider when confirming your booking. Weekends and most flexible and our prices reflect this. Weekday bookings are subject to the studio manager’s approval and will be priced accordingly.

For more information please contact [email protected] with studio hire in the subject line.

P.S If you are interested in finding out more about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition, why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

22 Aug

PT Workspace Eco-Friendly Mission With Zest Ldn

Now you may have heard, or you may have not…But we are going to tell you anyway because we are very proud of our new partnership with Zest Ldn and the beautiful new top-of-the-line bottles which you now see floating around our studio.

Zest Ldn

This year we made it our mission at PT Workspace to remove all the plastic cups from our water fountains, in order to cut down on waste and take a more eco-friendly approach to the way in which we run the studio. Instead personal trainers & clients can now buy these stylish reusable bottles to fill up their water when they come to train. With all new products your heart skips a beat every now and then, but the feedback from the PT community has been fantastic, because it can keep liquids cool for up to 24 hours! Great for summer training days…

They also look rather impressive, don’t you think?

For every bottle purchased money will go directly to charities supporting the environment. BONUS! If this sounds like your cup of tea or super chilled bottle of liquid should i say, then head on over to the website or Amazon page to find out more.

Thanks for Reading


PT Workspace Team


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

01 Aug

PT Workspace Making Fitness Fun!

Coming up this September PT workspace is taking park in Rough Runner which is Inspired by TV game shows like Gladiators, Total Wipeout and Ninja Warrior with a 10k run throw in the mix. As abit of fun we have gathered a troop of incredibly talented personal trainers which work alongside us to form a team ready to take on the obstacle course in 6 weeks time. The aim of the game is to get through the obstacle course as fast as possible, but with many of these team assault courses its as much about teamwork as it is about winning. Of course we still want to win! So we will be putting our best foot forward over the next few weeks to make sure we have a fighting chance. Now this is not as serious as tough mudder and we are definatly not pretending it is, but sometimes you just have to have some fun!

We intend to…

  • Exercise obviously beforehand, that’s what personal trainers do.
  • Eat, Eat, Eat energy will be a must… Any excuse to eat pasta the day before!
  • Never leave a man behind, teamwork makes the dreamwork.
  • Possibly carry the marketing officer Hannah, because she is really short and might not make it over some of the hurdles.
  • Run like we are being chased by a herd of Elephants.
  • Smile as much as possible!

Like Willie Wonka and the chocolate factory we have two golden tickets left remaining, If you would like to join PT Workspace in our crazy excursion on Sunday 9th Of September please contact [email protected]


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

25 Jul

The Best Fitness Apps to Enhance your Workout…

Fitness apps are by no means a new concept when it comes to exercise, however navigating the sea of fitness apps now avaliable to you can be somewhat confusing, so we have narrowed down popular fitness apps which can help track, train, and enhance your workout.

Running App


The Nike run app is fantastic for cardio and has established itself in the running industry, with great personalised training plan tailored to meet your goals and fitness level. Whilst reminding you daily of your run schedule and showcasing fitness milestones along the way.

Free, App Store and Google Play,

Nike App

Running App Tracker

Map My Run

Map My Run uses your phone’s GPS to track exactly where you’ve run, how far, how fast and stores it all up and presents it to you in an easy-to-understand way. What more could you want?

Free, App Store and Google

map my run

Cycle App


One of the most popular GPS cycling apps on the market, functions include being able to keep track your ride stats such as speed, distance and time. Whilst showing you exactly where you have been, you can share this information with a huge community of users, congratulate others on their efforts, and ask for advice.

Free, pro £5.99 monthly, App Store and Google Play,


Counting Calorie App


There is very little room for cheating with My Fitness pal with the comprehensive database of food avaliable to log, it has never been so easy to calculate a meal. Making it the simple to keep track of calories and macros throughout your day.

Free, pro £7.99 monthly, App Store and Google Play,

my fitness pal

Strength Training App

Stronglifts 5×5 

Stronglift is wonderful in its simplicity to help build strength and muscle. It breaks down exactly what exercises to do, including the amount of reps, sets and weight, and makes it easy to measure your progress over time. BOOM!

Free, £9.99 for Power Pack, App Store and Google Play,


Comprehensive Strength Training


For those committed to the weights room Gymaholic offers a more comprehensive in depth plan for your workout. Allowing you to browse their library of exercises and build a custom routine.

Free, pro £4.99, App


Swimming App


SwimIO is perfect for passionate swimmers allowing you to set goals whilst the app helps you achieve them. You can find local swimming pools in your area and join challenges to compete with others who are as passionate about swimming. As well as the being able to track and analyse your progress to help keep you reaching your milestones.

Free, App



Fitness Apps allow us to face facts and in doing so you can keep up-to-date with where you are excelling and where improvements can be made on your fitness journey. We hope you find some of these apps helpful within your training.


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

11 Jul

Are You Losing Clients?

Its is a simple enough questions and one which could leave you feeling deflated when you are still giving 100%. Every personal trainer goes through the motions of losing clients, certain times of year can be more prone to seeing a drop off in clientele than other months. Such as summer when many clients go away on holiday or during the winter months when clients can lose motivation. PT Workspace studio manager Nathan has some tips to help build your clientele back up again, so you can restore some of that confidence in the job you love.



P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us & utilise our marketing support

09 Jul

In our first blog called ‘On Your Bike’ we explored the break down of the ‘Power phase’ which is the first half of the motion of pedalling which utilizes the hip extensors (gluteus maximus muscle). This post will be focusing on the second phase called ‘Recovery’ which focuses on the Ankle Dorsiflexors, Knee flexors and Hip flexors. In doing so we have put together a workout video which maximises the ‘Recovery phase’ to go alongside the ‘Power phase’ in last weeks blog post.

The Recovery phase workout is broken down into 3 key exercises.

Front Squat
Deadlift Trap Bar
Hamstring Curl Swiss Ball

To find out how to implement this workout into your routine, watch our short video below.


P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

04 Jul

On Your Bike!..

Summer is here and so is the lycra! London is a city of passionate cyclists and after this year’s successful Tour de France, we thought what better time to give you some top tips for training those legs to help reach your cycling goals. Whether it is to make your journey to work more pleasant on your body, or you have a big challenge you are working towards, then have a quick look at our short videos broken up into two posts to make sure you are developing the right muscles to help build strength and stamina like an athlete.

To start you need to understand a little anatomy (don’t worry we will keep it simple) of the muscles which are worked when you cycle. The motion of pedaling can be broken up into two sections, the Power Phase and the Recovery Phase. The Power Phase is where you pedal down towards the ground with the leg almost full extended (12-6 O’clock) and the Recovery Phase is lifting back up towards the bike again (6-12 O’clock) diagram below alongside a more in-depth explanation.

  1. From the top of the pedal stroke, a cyclist utilizes their hip extensors (gluteus maximus muscle) which initiates the Power Phase of the pedal stroke until point at 3 on a clock face
  2. From the point of 3 to 5 on the clock face the knee extensors activate: vastus lateralis and vastus medialis. Many cyclists associate this point with generating the most force for their pedal stroke; this is particularly prominent while climbing out of the saddle on steep gradients.
  3. From positions 5 to 6, plantar flexion occurs, thanks to the gastrocnemius which causes the toes to point outwards.

muscles- bike Diagram and bullet points via Author Liam Hallan 

In the video below we are helping to target Hip Extensors, Knee Extensors & Ankle plantar Flexors (Power Phase)

In the next video we will be exploring exercises which can improve the Recover Phase. Combine both workouts to receive maximum results from exercises.



P.S If you are interested in finding out about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

15 Jun

PT Workspace Football Club…

There is nothing  quite like getting together with an awesome group of individuals and blowing off some steam on the football pitch. Whatever week you’ve had up until this point, is left at the side of the pitch before the whistle goes and the excitement begins. Specially with the World Cup now in motion, it could not be a more inspiring time to get outside in the late evening sun and break a sweat.



We recently created PT Workspace FC to carry forward a sense of community which we are trying to build here at the PT Workspace personal training studio. Whether you are a personal trainer, client working with one of the talented trainers at PT Workspace, or a neighbour of the studio, then we invite you to join our football team and enjoy having a kick around on a Wednesday evening with us. Each week we have a match against other local businesses in the area, so it’s a great way to meet new people too! Whilst there is an element of competitiveness, the aim of the game is to have fun more than anything else.


Wednesday Evening 

11 aside 

£10 each game

35mins each half

Market road not far from Caledonian Road tube station


If you would like to join the PT Workspace community and football team email [email protected]

P.S If you are interested in finding out more about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

28 May

Summer Time at PT Workspace

This summer we have had great fun renovating the front entrance of PT Workspace, into a user friendly space for personal trainers and clients to utilise. When the sun has everyone smiling, we know that you want to feel those rays too, so we have given you the best of both worlds! Sunshine outside or a cool personal training space on the inside! Although we anticipated a good reception to the newly laid astro turf, it has been amazing to watch the personal trainers we work with making the most out of the additional equipment too! From Boxing bags to sledges we have your summer covered!

Take a sneak peek around PT Workspace…

Below the studio manger Nathan has put together a short video, showing you how many sets could be done with just the a tyre alone! Including a random interval from the next door neighbour.

See if you can add one set to your summer routine…

P.S If you are interested in finding out more about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us

14 May

Justin ST Paul’s Top Tips for Summer

PT Workspace has recently had the pleasure of welcoming WBFF pro & personal trainer Justin St Paul alongside 1st Man London to our personal training studio, to share with you some of his top tips for Summer. As an athlete and PT, Justin has compiled some essential exercises to help burn fat and build muscle on those all important areas, which have you feeling a little self-conscious so you can face the summer with confidence.

Check out the video below and see if you could add one or more of these exercises to your workout routine.



P.S If you are interested in finding out more about personal training at PT Workspace you can contact [email protected]. In addition why not take a look at some of the personal trainers who already work with us